Gotta love a good day of rest. It`s breezy at Camp 2, but the sun is bright and warms up our tents like a little greenhouse. The forecast remains stable for a summit attempt on Tuesday morning. So that means we will move to Camp 3 tomorrow, which should be another tough one. It`s only 1 mile away, but gains about 1,500` to 19,500 and our loads aren`t too much lighter. We ate some and will be wearing more, so hopefully that helps. Other than that, with no wi-fi above 18,000`, will give the next update on Wednesday.
#aconcagua #aconcaguaexpedition #climbaconcagua #camp2 #restday #wifiat18000ft #inka #inkaalltheway #inkaexpediciones #mountainsarecalling #mountainlife #highpoint #tallestpeak #tallestpeakinsouthamerica #chompians